The Dangers of Updates

This website uses a child theme based on the Inkness theme. I decided this morning to update the Inkness theme (from to – what a disaster! It had completely changed. Most dramatically the banner image disappeared along with the theme settings page. So I had to upload the files for the old version of the theme and set it up again. When I have more time I may download the current version to a test site and look at it more closely but for the moment I’m stuck with using the old version. This has its own problems because one needs to keep WordPress up-to-date to fix security issues, and then incompatibilities can arise between the latest WP and an old theme or plugin. On another website that I run, I keep a second copy of it for testing updates and major changes before changing the live site. I hadn’t done that for this site as it is relatively simple. It just goes to show how careful one needs to be – keep backups of old versions and test everything.

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