Web Development

Limit Login Attempts

A plugin which I always install on websites now is Limit Login Attempts Reloaded (there’s an earlier one, Limit Login Attempts, which hasn’t been updated for some time). As well as doing what it says, it also gives visibility to how hard the website is being hit by login attempts. This site often gets targetted and yesterday there were more…

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The Dangers of Updates

This website uses a child theme based on the Inkness theme. I decided this morning to update the Inkness theme (from to – what a disaster! It had completely changed. Most dramatically the banner image disappeared along with the theme settings page. So I had to upload the files for the old version of the theme and set…

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WordPress Security

In addition to photography I have an interest in developing websites. This site uses the Inkness theme (with one or two tweaks) but I have written themes from scratch, so I’ll be making posts from time to time on this subject. WordPress is now the most popular platform worldwide for websites and that inevitably means that it is a target…

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